
Release of XMLmind XML Editor v10.6

November 22, 2023

Submitted by Hussein Shafie, XMLmind Software.

Release of XMLmind XML Editor v10.6

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.1

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side. More information ».

What's new in this version?


  • MathML tool: added more <mfenced> elements to the "Bracket pair with separator" section of the "Brackets & Boxes" palette to encourage the use of this element. Something like <mfenced close="]" open="["><mi>x</mi></mfenced> should be simply a convenient notation, strictly equivalent to <mrow><mo>[</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>]</mo></mrow>, but is not in terms of rendering. For some reasons, <mfenced> is rendered to HTML, PDF, etc, by the JEuclid image toolkit plug-in more nicely than <mrow><mo>.

    For this reason too, Parse Text As MathML now parses "(x)" as <mfenced><mi>x</mi></mfenced>. Previously, this facility parsed "(x)" as <mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow>.

  • When converting a DocBook 4 or 5 document to any HTML-based format (except HTMLHelp), embedded MathML elements and image elements referencing a MathML file (.mml file) are converted to SVG graphics. In previous versions, these elements where converted to PNG images.
  • When converting a DocBook 4 or 5 document to Web Help, the generated TOC now contains the part, chapter, section, etc, titles preceded with their numbers (e.g. 1. Introduction), of course, provided that XSLT stylesheet parameters part.autolabel, chapter.autolabel, etc, are non-zero. In previous versions, the TOC entries were not numbered (e.g. Introduction).
  • "FlatLaf Look and Feel" add-on: updated FlatLaf to version 3.2.5. (On Linux, the "FlatLaf" light theme is used as the default Look & Feel.)
  • Upgraded XMLResolver to version 5.2.2.
  • Upgraded XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) to version 3.14.1.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Ebook Compiler (ebookc for short) to version 1.9.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler (whc for short) to version 3.5.1.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Assembly Processor to version 1.3.3.
  • Upgraded the Apache Batik plug-in to version 1.17.
  • Upgraded the Apache FOP plug-in to version 2.9.
  • XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported
    • on Java™ 21 platforms,
    • on macOS Sonoma (version 14) running on Intel® or Apple® Silicon processors.

Bug fixes:

  • In some cases, pasting some elements having a mixed content incorrectly removed the leading and/or trailing space characters from the pasted elements. For example, pasting "<emphasis>Some emphasisSPACE_CHAR_HERE</emphasis>regular text" into an empty <para> resulted in "<para><emphasis>Some emphasisNO_SPACE_CHAR_HERE</emphasis>regular text</para>".
  • The tabs of documents included or referenced in the same master document are all given the same background color. This background color was poorly chosen when the Look&Feel being used had a dark theme (e.g. the "FlatDark" Look&Feel; see Options|Preferences, General section, Style combobox).
  • CSS proprietary extension: command-button content object: no matter the value of option icon-position, the icon was always positioned at the left of the text of the button.

What is XMLmind XML Editor?

XMLmind XML Editor is a strictly validating, near WYSIWYG, XML editor, having extensive DITA, DocBook, XHTML and MathML support and industrial strength DOCX import and export facilities. Its users are generally technical writers, engineers and scholars who use it to write large, complex, modular, documents.

Personal Edition is free to use by many persons and organizations.

New Web Edition is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side.

Home page: https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/

Download: https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/download.shtml


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