
BaseX 10 • The Double-Digit Summer Edition

August 1, 2022

Submitted by Christian Grün.

It’s been around 15 years ago when the first Open-Source version of BaseX was released. Thanks to the continuous support of all of you, we are thrilled today to announce the first double-digit version of our XML Framework:


BaseX 10 assists you with your everyday data challenges with some great new features:


• Beside XML Documents and Binary Data, you can use the new »XQuery Values« resource type to store arbitrary items and sequences in databases.
• General data (registered users, scheduled services, and key-value stores) can now be backed up as well.
• Mixed-content developers will be delighted: Whitespaces are now preserved by default.


• Database locking has been improved by splitting up XQuery compilation into a static and dynamic step.
• A new Store Module allows you to organize values in a persistent main-memory key-value store.
• You can store and retrieve XQuery values with db:put-value and db:get-value.
• When serializing XML, indentation is now turned off by default.


• BaseX 10 requires Java 11 to run.
• The GUI comes with improved HiDPI support, new icons and improved consistency.
• All HTTP requests are now based on the new Java HTTP client.
• Catalog support is now universal and based on either the new XML Catalog API or Norman Walsh’s excellent XML Resolver.
• The default ports for web applications were changed from 8984/8985 to 8080/8081.
• The default admin password was removed to improve security.
• Results of the REST API are now wrapped in the default REST namespace.

We have taken the version jump as an opportunity to rename various existing functions and commands. The database storage has not changed: Databases created with BaseX 10 are backward compatible and can still be opened with BaseX 9.

Visit our documentation for more details, and information on how to upgrade your existing applications:


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