XML.com contains curated information aimed at professionals in fields where XML is widely used. These include publishing (for example, technical documentation and technical publishing) and healthcare (for example, HL7 and related work).
The site was founded in 1996 by Textuality Services, O’Reilly Media, and the Seybold group. For many years, O'Reilly Media published XML-related material through XML.com. O'Reilly hopes to continue to serve the XML community by making the legacy content from XML.com available through the current version of the site. As of late 2016, it is operated by Textuality Services. Lauren Wood serves as Editor and Publisher, and Tim Bray as editorial consultant.
The new content on XML.com runs on Wagtail, an open-source Django-based CMS created by Torchbox. The legacy content from 1998 - 2008 was converted from content provided by O'Reilly to HTML matching the current design using custom XSLT scripts.