
Liquid XML 2017 Release

February 15, 2017

Submitted by Andrew Farrell.

Liquid Technologies have announced the availability of Liquid XML 2017 product suite, providing many new features and enhancements plus general performance and stability improvements.

Liquid Studio 2017

Liquid Studio is a graphical XML Editor, JSON Editor, Data Mapper and Web Services Toolkit containing all the tools needed for designing, developing and testing applications complying with the W3C standards:

Liquid XML Data Binder 2017

Liquid XML Data Binder is advanced XML code generator, which enables you to load XML Documents into a strongly typed object model within your C#, C++, Java, or Visual Basic source code:

New features for 2017 include:

  • 64 bit Support
  • RESTful Web Service Testing
  • XSD Find References Tool
  • EDI Data Mapper Components
  • JSON Data Mapper Components
  • Database Mapper Components
  • RESTful Web Service Data Mapper Components
  • Cross platform .Net Portable Class Library Code Generation
  • .Net Core Code Generation

For full details please see the Liquid Technologies web site:

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