
Markup UK 2018: call for participation

March 31, 2018

Submitted by Andrew Sales.

We are pleased to announce that the Markup UK 2018 conference will take place on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June at Imperial College, London. 

 Markup UK (http://www.markupuk.org/) is a conference about XML and other markup languages. Registration will be open very soon.  

The call for papers is open right now - please see http://markupuk.org/speakers.xhtml for details. 

Please take note of the following important dates: 

  • 9th April - call for papers ends 
  • 18th April - early-bird registration closes 
  • 30th April - feedback to authors 
  • 21st May - full papers due 
  • 9-10 June - Markup UK 2018 conference 

If you have any questions, are interested in sponsorship or just wish to make a suggestion, please email info@markupuk.org

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