
BaseX 9.1: The Autumn Edition

October 31, 2018

Submitted by Christian Grün.

It’s been exactly 5 months ago when BaseX 9 was released, and we are happy to announce version 9.1 of our XML framework, database system and XQuery 3.1 processor! 

Find it here: http://basex.org 

The most exciting addition is support for WebSockets, which enable you to do bidirectional (full-duplex) client/server communication with XQuery web applications: http://docs.basex.org/wiki/WebSockets 

Moreover, we have added convenient syntax extensions (ternary if, Elvis operator, if without else) to XQuery. Some of them may be made available in other implementations of XQuery as well (we’ll keep you updated): http://docs.basex.org/wiki/XQuery_Extensions#Expressions 

Other new features are as follows: 

  •  XQuery: - set local locks via pragmas and function annotations 
  • Database Module: faster processing of value index functions 
  • Jobs Module: record and return registration times 
  • ENFORCEINDEX option: support for predicates with dynamic values 
  • Update Module, update:output: support for caching maps and arrays 
  • GUI: - Mac, Windows: Improved rendering support for latest Java versions 
  • XQuery editor: choose and display current query context 

Visit http://docs.basex.org to get more information on the added features. 

Have fun.

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