
eXist-db 4.2.1 Released

June 14, 2018

Submitted by Adam Retter.

v4.2.1 - June 14, 2018

eXist-db v4.2.1 has just been released. This is a hotfix release, which contains bug fixes for several important issues discovered since eXist-db v4.2.1. We recommend that all users of eXist 4.2.0 should upgrade to eXist 4.2.1.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an NPE with XQuery Update insert preceding with attributes. Closes #1761 and #1939.
  • Only attributes which are considered boolean in HTML5 have their values omitted. Closes #777. Thanks to Bert Willems from FontoXML for this fix.
  • Fixed an issue with the XQuery function inspect:module-functions, which was previously throwing a NPE. Closes #1927.
  • Fixed an issue with restoring Compressed (Zip) database backups. Closes #1913.

Backwards Compatibility

eXist-db v4.2.1 is backwards binary-compatible as far as v3.0, but not with earlier versions. Users who are upgrading should always consult the Upgrading Guide in the documentation.

NOTE: The version of Dashboard that was installed with eXist-db 3.6.1 (or earlier) is incompatible with eXist-db 4.0.0 and newer. If you plan to migrate your entire database to eXist-db 4.2.1, you MUST take one of the following steps to allow Dashboard to work after the upgrade: 

  1. If you have not yet installed eXist-db 4.2.1, open Dashboard > Package Manager, and upgrade Dashboard to 0.4.10, or run this script in eXide or the Java Admin Client: repo:install-and-deploy("http://exist-db.org/apps/dashboard", "http://demo.exist-db.org/exist/apps/public-repo/modules/find.xql"). Then you may safely install eXist-db 4.2.1 and use Dashboard. 
  2. If you install eXist-db 4.2.1 before upgrading Dashboard, run this script in eXide or the Java Admin Client: repo:install-and-deploy("http://exist-db.org/apps/dashboard", "http://demo.exist-db.org/exist/apps/public-repo/modules/find.xql"). Then you may use Dashboard.

Downloading This Version

  • eXist-db v4.2.1 is available for download from Bintray.
  • Docker images for are available from EvolvedBinary's DockerHub.
  • Maven artifacts are available from our mvn-repo.
  • Mac users of the Homebrew package repository may acquire eXist 4.2.1 directly from there.

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