eXist-db 3.6.1 Released
January 4, 2018
Submitted by Dannes Wessels.
eXist-db v3.6.1 has just been released. This is a hotfix release, which contains bug fixes for several important issues discovered since eXist-db v3.6.0.
We recommend that all users of eXist 3.6.0 should upgrade to eXist 3.6.1.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where the package manager wrote non-well-formed XML that caused problems during backup/restore. #1620
- Fixed namespace prefix for attributes and namespace nodes.
- Made sure the localName of a in memory element is correctly obtained under various namespace declaration conditions
- Fix for NPE in org.exist.xquery.functions.fn.FunId #1642
- Several atomic comparisons raise wrong error code #1638
- General comparison to empty sequence sometimes raises an error #1639
- Warn if no <target> is found in an EXPath packages's repo.xml
Backwards Compatibility
eXist-db v3.6.1 is backwards binary-compatible as far as v3.0, but not with earlier versions. Users upgrading from previous versions should perform a full backup and restore to migrate their data.Downloading This Version
eXist-db v3.6.1 is available for download from Bintray. Maven artifacts for eXist-db v3.6.1 are available from our mvn-repo. Mac users of the Homebrew package repository may acquire eXist 3.6.1directly from there.