
Micah Dubinko

Micah Dubinko served as an editor and author of the XForms 1.0 W3C specification, where he participated in the XForms effort since September 1999, nine months before the official Working Group was chartered. Micah received a CompTIA CDIA (Certified Document Imaging Architech) certification in January 2001 and an InfoWorld Innovator award in 2004. He is the author of O'Reilly XForms Essentials, available online at Currently, Micah works for Yahoo! in California as a Senior Research Developer.

Articles by this author

Is XML 2.0 Under Development?

In Micah Dubinko's return to the XML Annoyances banner, he speculates as to whether the W3C is already considering whether to start work on XML 2.0. Read this piece and decide for yourself.

The Power of No

In his latest XML Annoyances column Micah Dubinko examines a common force behind the good and bad aspects of XML.

Microformats and Web 2.0

Micah Dubinko begins a new column, XML Annoyances, which will explore what's happening to and with XML, and beyond, as the era of core XML specifications comes to a close. Micah will be paying special attention to the parts of XML that don't seem to work as well as they should--or just the parts that are the most annoying. In this first column, he looks at the role of microformats in Web 2.0 apps and services.

The More Things Change

In the final XML-Deviant column, Micah Dubinko offers a retrospective of XML and discusses some of the enduring topics of debate in the XML-developer community.

Agile XML

Micah Dubinko catches up with the XML-developer community with an examination of the Agile XML manifesto.


In his latest XML-Deviant column, Micah Dubinko suggests that composing independent specifications is trickier than it seems.

Apple Watch

Micah Dubinko examines how Apple is influencing XML and RSS, for better and for worse.

Life After Ajax?

Micah Dubinko says that the way Ajax technologies are presently deployed will eventually run into complexity barriers. It's time, he claims, for more declarative, markup-based alternative strategies.

Specification Proliferation

Micah Dubinko examines the problem of specification proliferation and looks to a similar area — open source software licensing — for possible solutions.

XTech 2005

Micah Dubinko's XML-Deviant column summarizes the highpoints of XTech 2005, the recent European XML conference.

Forming Consensus

In his latest XML-Deviant column, Micah Dubinko outlines a plan for combining the XForms and Web Forms 2.0 communities.

Forming Opinions, Part 3

In this week's XML-Deviant column, Micah Dubinko concludes his three-part foray into Web Forms 2.0.

Forming Opinions

In his latest XML-Deviant column, Micah Dubinko takes an initial look at Web Forms 2.0.

April Fool's Wisdom

In this week's XML-Deviant column, Micah Dubinko reminds us that even playful messages to the XML-DEV mailing list have a serious footing.

On Practical Elegance

In his latest XML-Deviant, Micah Dubinko investigates the hidden meaning behind several permathreads found on the XML-DEV mailing list.

Models with Character

Micah Dubinko tallies up the score in the new W3C specification, called "charmod" colloquially, about the use of Unicode in XML applications.

The Google Wake-Up Call

Micah Dubinko explains how Google's excellent assembly of existing pieces is raising the bar for everyone else.

What Next, XML?

Micah Dubinko debuts as the new XML-Deviant columnist with a look at the recent debate about the future of XML. Will there ever be an XML 2.0?

Top 10 XForms Engines

Micah Dubinko, one of the gurus of XForms, offers a rundown on the state of XForms engines for 2005.

XForms and Microsoft InfoPath

Micah Dubinko, author of XForms Essentials, compares W3C XForms and Microsoft InfoPath, the data gathering technology shipping with Microsoft Office 2003.

Ten Favorite XForms Engines

The author of O'Reilly's XForms Essentials describes ten software packages that implement the W3C's XForms specification, seen as the XML-friendly successor to HTML forms.

A Hyperlink Offering

Prompted by recent debate over XHTML 2.0's invention of HLink, Achilles and the tortoise meet to discuss the use of linking in W3C specifications.

What's Next for HTML?

Micah Dubinko examines upcoming developments in the HTML family, including XHTML 2.0, XML Events and XFrames.

What Are XForms

HTML forms have long been a weak link in web interfaces -- now XML comes to the rescue with XForms, the W3C's new web forms technology. Update: 9/11/2002