
Rich Salz

Richard Salz is the Chief Security Architect at DataPower Technology. Rich has been active in the Internet, distributed systems, and the security sphere for over a decade. He's been a member of the IETF PKI and HTTP working groups and is a named contributor to the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 specs. He has participated in various OSF, IETF, W3C, and OASIS standards projects, including HTTP, NNTP, ebXML, OCSP, SOAP, XKMS, SAML, and others. He is the original author of INN, the world's most popular Usenet implementation, and ZSI, a leading Python SOAP implementation.

Articles by this author

SOA Made Real

In his latest column, Rich Salz puts his money where his mouth is by showing how to use his style of WSDL and XML schema to build the client side of a geolocation web service.

SOA Made Simple

Rich Salz shows us how to create WSDL descriptions of web services simply and easily, using rather a lot of boilerplate.

The xml:id Conundrum

Rich Salz asks how the xml:id conundrum, and the interaction with XML Canonicalization, should be solved.

Freeze the Core

Rich Salz explains how and why the web services stack is ready now, and why we should leave good enough alone.

WSDL 2: Just Say No

Rich Salz returns to, after a long absence, to explain why WSDL 2 is so flawed.

Building a Security Infrastructure

In his latest column Rich Salz continues with the implementation of an XKMS web service; in this installment he focuses on the public key infrastructure.

Developing a X-KRSS Web Service

In his latest column Rich Salz begins to discuss the implementation of a web service for doing key management with the W3C's X-KRSS standard.

Really Simple Web Service Descriptions

In his newest column, Rich Salz outlines a proposal for an interface definition language, called RSWS, that's simpler than WSDL and tuned for document-style services.

Typeless Schemas and Services

Strange as it may seem, top thinkers in web services are moving away from strongly typed models of data into a more document-centric service oriented model. Rich Salz charts this change in thinking.

A Weblog API For the Grassroots

In his latest column Rich Salz discusses the grassroots weblog API, variously known as "Atom" and "Echo", and makes substantive suggestions for how it should be changed to use SOAP.

SOAP 1.2

Rich Salz returns to the Web Services columnist field by introducing us to SOAP 1.2, about which Rich is understandably optimistic.

Securing Web Services

In this month's Endpoints column, Rich Salz explains what security means in the context of web services, as well as explaining the signing and encrypting of SOAP messages.

From XML-RPC to SOAP: A Migration Guide

In this month's XML Endpoints column, Rich Salz offers guidance for migrating from XML-RPC to SOAP by creating a SOAP profile with which XML-RPC can interoperate.

XML Versus the Infoset

In his latest Endpoints column Rich Salz opines about the differences between XML specifications based on XML and those based on the XML infoset.

Beep BEEP!

In this month's Endpoints column, Rich Salz concludes his look at methods for transporting binary data in SOAP with an examination of BEEP.

Brother, Can You Spare a DIME?

In this month's Endpoints column, Rich Salz describes the DIME, a binary message format, and WS-Attachements specifications.

Transporting Binary Data in SOAP

In this month's Endpoints column, Rich Salz discusses the issue of transporting binary data in XML messaging, using the Soap with Attachments technique.

Processing SOAP Headers

In this month's XML Endpoints column, Rich Salz explains how to process SOAP headers and why you'd want to. Along the way he predicts the demise of SAX-based SOAP processors.

Generating SOAP

In Rich Salz's second XML Endpoints column, he uses Python to demonstrate generating SOAP code for talking to Google's web service.

Examining WSDL

The XML Endpoints column returns with Rich Salz's discussion of the state of WSDL, with particular reference to the new Google web services API.