
Dare Obasanjo

Dare Obasanjo is a member of Microsoft's WebData team, which among other things develops the components within the System.Xml and System.Data namespace of the .NET Framework, Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML), and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). More of Dare's writings on XML can be found on his Extreme XML column on MSDN.

Articles by this author

Introducing Comega

Dare Obasanjo explains some of the ways in which Comega--a new language from Microsoft Research--makes XML processing easier and more natural.

A Survey of APIs and Techniques for Processing XML

An overview of the current landscape of techniques for processing XML -- from old mainstays such as push model APIs and tree model APIs to newer participants in the XML world such as cursor APIs and pull model parsers.

A Data Model for Strongly Typed XML

Many applications that process XML associated datatypes with parts of a document, and would benefit from an XML data model that made available such typing information. Dare Obasanjo discusses the candidates for such a model.

W3C XML Schema Design Patterns: Avoiding Complexity

Previous attempts to define an effective subset of W3C XML Schema have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, says Dare Obasanjo, who proposes a less conservative set of guidelines for working with W3C XML Schema.

W3C XML Schema Design Patterns: Dealing With Change

Designing schemas that support data evolution is beneficial in situations where the structure of the XML documents being processed may change as the application matures, but still need to be validated with the original schema.