
Emmanuel Pietriga

Emmanuel Pietriga is a research engineer. He wrote IsaViz (a visual authoring tool for RDF) and designed GSS (a language for styling RDF graphs) during his time as a W3C team member in Boston. He is interested in XML-related transformation technologies, Semantic Web technologies, as well as visual programming and graphical user interface research. He is also the developer of the ZVTM library, an open-source Java toolkit for creating 2.5D user interfaces written while he was working for Xerox Research Centre Europe and INRIA.

Articles by this author

Styling RDF Graphs with GSS

Visualising RDF graphs is a hard problem, as they can quickly become unwieldy. This article introduces a solution in the form off GSS (Graph Style Sheets), an RDF vocabulary for describing rule-based style sheets used to modify the visual representation of RDF models represented as node-link diagrams.