
Matt Sergeant

Matt Sergeant is Director and CTO of Ltd, a Scotland based startup who produce an open source XML Application Server. specializes in getting content onto the web with a minimum of fuss and maximum efficiency. Matt regularly speaks at XML, Apache and Perl conferences, although he always misses his dogs when he goes away.

Articles by this author

Adventures with OpenOffice and XML

We explore the new XML output format in the open source word processor OpenOffice, and its potential to change the face of open source XML content management.

How AxKit Works

AxKit is a new Apache- and Perl-based solution for publishing web pages using XML and style sheets. In this article AxKit's creator, Matt Sergeant, describes the architecture and the future direction of the project.

XPathScript: An Alternative To XSLT

XPathScript brings the power of XPath into a familiar ASP-like web development environment, using mod_perl and Apache. In this article, XPathScript's author explains its main features and advantages.

AxKit: XML Web Publishing with Apache and mod_perl

AxKit is a new Apache- and Perl-based solution for publishing web pages using XML and style sheets. In this article AxKit's creator, Matt Sergeant, describes the architecture and the future direction of the project.