
Peter Mikhalenko

Peter Mikhalenko holds a Masters in computer science from the Moscow State University, and was for several years a CIO and IT head of Russian the consulting and IT solutions company Sigent ( He has written many articles on XML and Java. His main interests are the Semantic Web, open standards, and their use in electronic business solutions. Peter has made code contributions to several open-source projects, which include FreeBSD OS, XML-DBMS middleware, Chiba XForms engine, Jena RDF processor, Apache Tomcat app server. He is a Sun Certified Java Programmer, and now works at Russian Business Consulting corporation, developing a large-scale enterprise applications.

Articles by this author

Introducing SKOS

Peter Mikhalenko introduces SKOS, a W3C standard for using RDF to represent thesauri, taxonomies, and other information space structures.

Introduction to Device Independence, Part 1

The W3C is working on standards related to device independence, which will allow an optimal web-browsing experience across the diversity of web-capable devices. Peter Mikhalenko introduces us to this new, exciting area.

Multimodal Interaction on the Web

The W3C's Multimodal Interaction Activity is developing specifications to support multiple forms of input and output with web applications. This report describes the purpose of the activity and outlines the two major vocabularies under development, InkML and EMMA.