
Tom White

Tom White is Lead Java Developer at Kizoom, a leading UK software company in the delivery of personalised travel information to mobile devices. Clients include the UK's national train operator, the London public transport system, and UK national bus companies. Kizoom uses all the disciplines from Extreme Programming, and has done since it was founded in 1999. Tom has been writing Java full time since 1996 using most of the standard and enterprise Java APIs: from client Swing GUIs and graphics to backend messaging systems. He has a first class honours degree in mathematics from Cambridge University.

Outside programming Tom enjoys making his young daughter laugh, and watching 1930s Hollywood films.

Articles by this author

Using XML Catalogs with JAXP

XML Catalogs offer a way to manage local copies of public DTDs, schemas, or any XML resource that exists outside of the referring XML instance document. Find out how to use them in Java with JAXP.