
Mark Woodman

Mark Woodman ( was a contributing author to's "Macromedia Web Publishing Unleashed" and "Web Publishing Professional Reference Edition" back in the days when Shockwave was new. (Remember Shockwave?) As a developer he has since played the part of Frogger, jumping from one sinking tech startup log to the next.

Mark is currently a software engineer at Intelligent Software Solutions in Colorado Springs and is happy to report this particular log is floating nicely. He is also a contributer to the ROME project, an open source Java library for consuming and producing RSS and Atom feeds. Mark holds a BA in communications from Wheaton College and is pursuing a Masters in computer science from Colorado Technical University.

Articles by this author

RSS Feeds for FTP Servers

Mark Woodman returns with another interesting RSS application: he describes a PHP library for creating RSS feeds for FTP sites. Old-school FTP meets new-school RSS!