
Kyle Gabhart

Kyle Gabhart is a subject matter expert specializing in Service Oriented technologies who currently serves as the SOA Lead for Web Age Solutions, a premier provider of technology education and mentoring. Since 2001 he has contributed extensively to the SOA community as an author, speaker, consultant, and open source contributor.

Articles by this author

Data Sources as Web Services

Kyle Gabhart describes WS02's Data Services, a new feature in WS02 that allows for rapid creation of web services wrapping relational, Excel, CSV, and JNDI data sources quickly and easily.

Enterprise SOA the Apache Way

SOA is just a bunch of silly three-letter acronyms, right? Well, maybe not: Apache has more than enough real-tech credibility to make the SOA doubters take another look when they learn that Apache and SOA go together very nicely. In this article Kyle Gabhart explains how to do SOA with Apache.