
Norman Walsh

Norman Walsh is a Senior Application Analyst at ArborText, Inc. ArborText develops industrial stength SGML authoring and publishing tools and distributes these products worldwide. He has also developed a number of Web resources, including The Internet Font Archives, and is the author of Making TeX Work, published by O'Reilly & Associates.

Norm telecommutes from the beautiful pioneer valley in western Massachusetts where he lives with his wife Deborah, two cats, and several frogs.

Articles by this author

Escaped Markup Considered Harmful

How do you carry HTML or XML around inside an XML document? Not by using CDATA sections or escaping special characters, says Norm Walsh. Find out why embedding markup this way is wrong, and what alternatives there are.

What Is a Schema

In the context of XML, a schema describes a model for a whole class of documents.


What does it mean for a document to be valid?


What does an XML schema look like, then?


Aren't DTDs the Schema for XML?

Customizing the DocBook DTD

In this three-part excerpt from his new book, Norm Walsh describes how to modify the DocBook DTD and customize it for your own applications.

Understanding XSL

In part 3 of this tour of XSL, Norm looks at the XSL features needed to write a simple style sheet, and provides some exercises for continued learning about XSL.

Comparing XSL and CSS

In part 2 of this tour of XSL, Norm looks at the differences and similarities between XSL and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

The Extensible Style Language - XSL

XML offer Web developers the ultimate in flexibility -- the ability to write your own tags. But how can you be sure your custom tags will be interpreted properly. Enter XSL, the style language for XML. Norm leads a tour of the salient points.

A Technical Introduction to XML

What is XML? This introduction to XML is geared towards a reader with some HTML or SGML experience, although that experience is not absolutely necessary. This article is an update to A Guide to XML, which originally appeared in the Winter 1997 edition of the World Wide Web Journal.

A Guide to XML

If you are looking for a good overview of XML, with sufficient technical detail, then this article from the World Wide Web Journal is a good place to start.

Understanding XML Schemas

Schemas are intended to be an improvement on DTDs, which are used to validate XML documents. In this article, we review schemas and the new features described in the W3C working draft.