
Peter Murray-Rust

Peter Murray-Rust is the Director of the Virtual School of Molecular Sciences at the University of Nottingham, where he is participating in a new venture in virtual education and communities. Peter is also a visiting professor at the Crystallography Department at Birkbeck College, where he set up the first multimedia virtual course on the WWW (Principles of Protein Structure).

Peter's research interests in molecular informatics include participation in the Open Molecule Foundation--a virtual community sharing molecular resources; developing the use of Chemical MIME for the electronic transmission of molecular information; creating the first publicly available XML browser, JUMBO; and developing the Virtual HyperGlossary--an exploration of how the world community can create a virtual resource in terminology. He also co-manages the XML developer's mailing list (XML-DEV).

Articles by this author

JUMBO: An Object-Based XML Browser

JUMBO (Java Universal Markup Language) is an object-oriented XML browser/editor and transformation tool, written in Java. It has been developed as a development tool to explore the emerging XML-LANG and XML-LINK specifications, and implements most of the current proposals.

The Code of the XML Geeks

Our XML:geek columnist comes to the rescue of geek code users, and takes XML itself as the extension to the geek code.

The Debut of XML:Geek is proud to welcome our XML:Geek columnist, Peter Murray-Rust, author of the JUMBO XML parser and co-manager the XML developer's mailing list (XML-DEV). XML:Geek asks 'how can I do something fundamentally new with XML? and where can I get the tools and components to help?'.

Chemical Markup Language

In this article, we describe the role of the XM L-LANG specification in supporting this. Examples are supplied explaining how components can be managed and how documents can be processed, with an emphasis on scientific and technical publishing.