
Murray Maloney

Murray Maloney represents GRIF S.A. as their Technical Marketing Director. A leader in the development of Web standards since 1993, Murray is a founding member of the HTML, XML and CSS working groups, and participates in numerous others. He was previously a technical director with SoftQuad and publishing systems architect and manager with the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO). Murray is a technical advisor to the Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation, co-chair of the 8th International World Wide Web Conference to be held in Toronto in 1999. He produced the index to Charles F. Goldfarb's SGML Handbook and is co-author, with Yuri Rubinsky, of the recent SGML on the Web: Small Steps Beyond HTML.

Articles by this author


The simplicity of document creation was a key element in the astonishingly rapid development of the Web. This article describes XML and CSS: the "one-two" punch that will not only bring back that level of simplicity, but also enable the construction of complex applications which are either difficult or impossible using HTML. In this article we outline the steps for using an CSS style sheet in an XML document; we discuss the limitations of CSS in complex applications; and we present a real life example.