
Dale Dougherty

Dale Dougherty is the Vice President of Online Publishing at O'Reilly. He is the publisher of and the O'Reilly Network, which includes,, and

Articles by this author

Dublin Core in the Wild

The recent Dublin Core Metadata Initiative meeting provided an opportunity for O'Reilly Network to discover more about Dublin Core and to explore its relationship with RSS.

XML '98: The Gathering

At the GCA's annual XML conference in Chicago, corporate developers and true believers try to peer into the future.

The Making of the DocBook DTD

The DocBook DTD grew out of the Davenport Group, and many of the people who contributed to this DTD for computer documentation have gone on to take leading roles in XML development.

Simon Phipps: IBM's Chief Java and XML Evangelist

Phipps describes a component model for open, networked computing systems using XML and Java that eliminates the kind of platform-centric dependencies that makes it difficult for partners to do business. He believes that such business relationships will be built around data analysis and transformations, enabled by XML and XSL.

ICE Breaker

The ICE 1.0 specification describes a transaction protocol for syndicated content distribution.

Mission-critical Data

The recent loss of a spacecraft on Mars points out just how mission-critical proper data interchange is.

CBL: Ecommerce Componentry

In this audio interview, Bob Glushko of Commerce One talks about the Common Business Library (CBL) as a set of building blocks for XML document types and schemas used in ecommerce.

Busy August for XML Developers

This August in Montreal, the XML community will be gathering to participate in the OASIS Summer Workshop, the W3C Schema Working Group, the MetaStructures Conference and the XML Developers Conference. Ten days of face-to-face meetings.