
Fabio Arciniegas A.

Fabio Arciniegas is the Chief Technical Officer of postgraphy, where he applies his C++ and XML expertise to the development of non-traditional UI technologies and image processing applications. He is an active participant in the software community both as a developer and writer. His contributions include the development of several C++ XML applications, XLink software, several articles (e.g. and tutorial programs dealing with XML technologies.

Fabio also participates as a speaker at XML-related conferences, committees, and tutorials including XML Developers Conference, O'Reilly Open Source Conference, and XML and distributed applications (chair), among others.

Fabio is the author of the books "XML Developer's Guide" (McGraw-Hill 2000), "C++ XML" (New Riders, 2001), and "Mobile User Interfaces" (New Riders 2002)

Articles by this author

Big Lists in Small Spaces

After a long hiatus, our Sacré SVG columnist, Fabio Arciniegas, returns with a technique for displaying large lists or trees of information in small spaces.

SVG and Typography: Characters

In this second part of our discussion of SVG and typography we explore some time-honored practices of typographic excellence.

SVG and Typography

Few things have as much power to make or break a visual work as typography. This article demonstrates good-look and appropriate use of typography within SVG.

A Realist's SMIL Manifesto, Part II

In the second part of his overview of SMIL 2.0, Fabio Arciniegas shows how SMIL can be used to implement common narrative strategies: condensation, synecdoche and spatial montage.

A Realist's SMIL Manifesto

A look at the state of the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, SMIL, and how it can realistically be used in video and multimedia deployment today.

XLink Reference

Examining the details of the XLink specification, this reference uses examples to show the creation of extended and simple links between XML documents, including resources for XLink software and further reading.

What Is XLink

XLink is an XML specification for describing links between resources in XML. Our introduction shows you how to get to grips with using XLinks in your own documents.

Design Patterns in XML Applications

Design patterns are a useful technique for the transmission of knowledge about recurrent problems in software development. Fabio Arciniegas A. investigates their application to XML processing.

XML Programming with C++

SAX or DOM? Fabio Arciniegas A. examines various approaches to using XML in C++ applications, demonstrating when to use each approach, with plenty of examples to illustrate his points.

Groves Explained

Every so often somebody on an XML mailing list will tell you that groves are the answer to all your problems. But what exactly are they? Fabio Arciniegas A. presents an introduction to groves and their use.