
Uche Ogbuji

Uche Ogbuji is a consultant and co-founder of Fourthought Inc., specializing in XML solutions for enterprise information management applications. He is also lead developer of 4Suite, the open source XML processing toolkit for Python. Mr. Ogbuji is a Computer Engineer and writer born in Nigeria, living and working in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Articles by this author

jQuery and XML

Uche Ogbuji returns with a new Agile Web column to explain how to use jQuery to process XML in JavaScript web applications.

Introducing OpenSearch

Uche Ogbuji's Agile Web column returns with an introduction to OpenSearch, an Atom-friendly format for describing and discovering search engines and query endpoints on the Web in a RESTful way.

Microformats in Context

Uche Ogbuji takes a careful look at microformats and concludes that while, in practice, they suffer from serious non-trivial problems, the basic idea offers an interesting basis upon which to build interesting data formats, particularly in conjunction with complementary technologies.

Handling Atom Text and Content Constructs

Uche Ogbuji's Agile Web column returns with a look at handling some of the trickier issues in the Atom Syndication Format, which has recently become RFC 4287, an internet standard.

Google Sitemaps

Uche Ogbuji's new column, "Agile Web," explores the intersection of agile programming languages and Web 2.0. In this first installment he examines Google's Sitemaps schema, as well as Python and XSLT code to generate site maps.

Processing Atom 1.0

In his final Python-XML column, Uche Ogbuji shows us three ways to process Atom 1.0 feeds in Python.

Should Python and XML Coexist?

In his latest Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji claims that the costs of using XML as a little language in a Python application may outweigh the benefits of doing so.

More Unicode Secrets

In this month's Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji continues his discussion of Unicode secrets with regard to XML processing in Python, especially BOMs and stream objects.

Unicode Secrets

In his latest Python-XML column, Uche Ogbuji delves broadly and deeply into the world of Unicode, especially with regard to processing XML in Python.

Making Old Things New Again

In his latest Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji examines some of the new XML document creation features in Amara and 4Suite.

Writing and Reading XML with XIST

In Uche Ogbuji's latest Python and XML column he introduces XIST, which has been called "object-oriented XSLT for Python" -- a framework for manipulating XML Pythonically.

Gems from the Mines: 2002 to 2003

Uche Ogbuji's Python and XML column returns with a recurring theme: mining the archives of the Python XML SIG list for lost and hidden gems.

Full XML Indexes with Gnosis

In his latest Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji shows us how to index XML documents using Python's Gnosis Utilities.

Location, Location, Location

Uche Ogbuji's Python and XML column this month describes some techniques for determing node or parse event locations, expressed in XPath, when parsing XML with DOM or SAX.

Wrestling HTML

Uche Ogbuji's Python and XML column returns with a look at techniques for converting arbitrary and invalid HTML into XHTML.

Practical SAX Notes

Uche Ogbuji follows up on some of the practical aspects and implications of his latest Python and XML columns, including SAX and namespace issues.

Introducing PyRXP

In Uche Ogbuji's latest Python and XML column he examines PyRXP, discovering that it's not a conformant XML parser. He recommends the use of the PyRXPU variant instead.

Building Dictionaries With SAX

In Uche Ogbuji's latest Python and XML column he describes an optimization technique for speeding up Python XML applications by using SAX to build specialized Python dictionaries.

xmltramp and pxdom

In the latest installment of Uche Ogbuji's Python and XML column, he examines two different means of parsing XML documents in Python: xmltramp and pxdom.

More Gems From the Mines

In his latest Python and XML column Uche Ogbuji presents new gems from the archives of the main Python-XML mailing list, again focusing on XML output.

Three More For XML Output

In his latest Python and XML column Uche Ogbuji introduces three more tools for creating correct XML output in Python programs.

Introducing Anobind

In his latest Python and XML column Uche Ogbuji introduces anobind, a Python-XML data binding library which is driven by declarative rules.

XML Data Bindings in Python, Part 2

In the second part of Uche Ogbuji's series on XML data binding tools in Python, he examines the XML data binding library which is part of David Mertz's Gnosis Utils.

XML Data Bindings in Python

In the latest Python and XML column Uche Ogbuji considers Python data bindings for XML, including generateDS, a script which builds Python bindings from a WXS instance.

Reports from XML Europe 2003

The annual XML Europe Conference took place in London, May 2003. This article collects together reports from writers Uche Ogbuji and Simon St. Laurent.

Using libxml in Python

In Uche Ogbuji's latest Python and XML column he introduces libxml, a popular and well-designed low-level XML library, paying particular attention to its Python bindings.

Gems From the Archives

In this month's Python and XML column Uche Ogbuji hunts for treasures in the archives of the Python XML SIG, locating interesting tidbits for producing and displaying XML.

Generating DOM Magic

In the first Python and XML column of the new year, Uche Ogbuji describes how to use Python generators in DOM processing.

A Python & XML Companion

In the latest Python and XML column Uche Ogbuji offers a companion to the successful Python & XML book by Drake and Jones.

Proper XML Output in Python

In his latest Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji explores the intricacies of creating proper XML output in Python, including character set and encoding issues.

A Tour of 4Suite

In this installment of Python and XML, Uche Ogbuji provides a tour of the core XML processing facilities of 4Suite.

Introducing PyXML

In the second Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji introduces PyXML, the add-on XML library which builds upon Python's core XML support.

The State of the Python-XML Art

In the first installment of our new Python-XML column, Uche Ogbuji offers a bird's-eye tour of the Python-XML world, including books, discussion forums, and software packages.

DAML Reference

The third part of our series on the DARPA Agent Markup Language takes the form of a quick reference to RDF, RDFS and DAML.

Introduction to DAML: Part II

The second part of our introduction to the DARPA Agent Markup Language covers advanced restrictions that can be placed on properties and classes.

Introduction to DAML: Part I

The first of a three-part series examining the DARPA Agent Markup Language, an XML/RDF application intended to provide tools for building the Semantic Web.

RIL: A Taste of Knowledge

An innovative part of 4RDF is the RDF Inference Language (RIL), which provides a way of viewing an RDF model as an Expert System knowledge base.

4RDF: A Library for Web Metadata

One of the jewels in the crown of Python's XML support is the 4Suite collection of libraries, the most recent addition to which is 4RDF, a library for the parsing, querying, and storage of RDF.