
Showing news items tagged with ms-word. Show all news items

Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.7


  • Command-line utility w2x and desktop application w2x-app now support plugins.

    A plugin is simply a text file having a ".w2x_plugin" suffix, containing a number of w2x command-line arguments and starting with comment lines containing information about the …

April 2, 2019 Read

Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.5.1


  • A new —very low-level— parameter -p edit.ids.automatic-ids regex_pattern lets the user specify which bookmarks automatically generated by MS-Word ("_GoBack", "_Toc123", etc) are to be preserved by the conversion process, and this, even when such bookmarks …

August 31, 2018 Read

Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.5

Release of XMLmind Word To XML v1.5. Highlights:

  • Several enhancements and bug fixes mostly related to the support of East Asian languages.
  • XMLmind Word To XML, which passed all non-regression tests, is now officially supported on Java™ 10 platforms.

More …

April 25, 2018 Read

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