
Showing news items tagged with xspec. Show all news items

XSpec v1.1.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of XSpec v1.1.0, , the open source unit test and behaviour-driven development framework for XSLT, XQuery, and Schematron. 

XSpec v1.1.0 introduces several new features such as the ability to specify the CSS location …

October 14, 2018 Read

XSpec v1.0.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of XSpec v1.0.0, the open source unit test and behaviour-driven development framework for XSLT, XQuery, and Schematron. XSpec v1.0.0 introduces several new features such as writing and running tests for Schematron rules, better …

February 4, 2018 Read

XSpec 0.5.0 released

Release v0.5.0 is the new XSpec release after 5 years. It includes new features like XSLT 3 support, JUnit report for integration with Continuous Integration tools, support for Saxon-B, etc. It also fixes long standing regression bugs as well as …

January 16, 2017 Read

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