
Showing news items tagged with xmldb. Show all news items

eXist-db 6.2.0 has been released

I am very happy to let you know that eXist-db 6.2.0 has just been
released. It is a small incremental improvement over 6.1.0 that fixes
a couple of regressions that were discovered almost immediately after
the 6.1.0 release.

Full Changelog: …

February 4, 2023 Read

BaseX 10 • The Double-Digit Summer Edition

It’s been around 15 years ago when the first Open-Source version of BaseX was released. Thanks to the continuous support of all of you, we are thrilled today to announce the first double-digit version of our XML Framework:


BaseX …

August 1, 2022 Read

eXist-db 4.8.0 and 5.3.1 released

eXist-db 4.8.0 and 5.3.1 have just been released to address the “log4jshell” security issue (CVE-2021-44228). You can download them from -

These releases are important security hot-fix releases. They address and close CVE-2021-44228 by updating log4j to version 2.15.0.


December 16, 2021 Read

BaseX 9.6: The Summer Edition

Dear all,

We provide you with a new and fresh version of BaseX, our open source XML framework, database system and XQuery 3.1 processor:


Apart from our main focus (query rewritings and optimizations), we have added the following enhancements: …

August 19, 2021 Read

BaseX 9.5: The Spring Edition

We are more than happy to provide you with a new and fresh version of BaseX, our XML framework, database system and XQuery 3.1 processor.

BaseX is getting faster and faster! We have spent most of our time on query …

February 25, 2021 Read

BaseX 9.4: The Summer Edition

We are glad to give you Version 9.4 of BaseX, our XML framework, database system and XQuery 3.1 processor: https://basex.org.

We have focused on rewriting and optimizing complex XQuery code and speeding up your RESTXQ apps:



- DBA: …

July 14, 2020 Read

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